How Do I Utilize An HGO

When you are having trouble navigating relationships and dynamics or whether you have a grievance you wish to file, an HGO can help you. HGOs serve a specialized role with Central NJ DSA. If you feel you need an HGO to help with a topic you are facing please do reach out as soon as possible. You can reach an HGO through this form or by emailing

A HGO will help you in a compassionate and professional manner navigate tough obstacles and can be used to help further difficult communication amongst a set of people or a group.

Obstacle: You just joined the chapter and you don’t feel like you are communicating well with others or relating.

Action: An HGO will reach out to you and do a basic intake for your needs. After discussing the obstacles you face, a restorative approach plan will be made, and accountability guidelines will be set. Accountability is not always a tricky thing and could mean setting goals.

Follow-ups: Follow ups will be scheduled for the original obstacle brought forward, and ways to measure the change from previous conversations will be used. This may look like counting how many committee meetings you have attended and how many comrades you have spoken to. It could also mean group accountability, where a group of people have to be involved. (It takes a commune is true here!)

Obstacle: I feel like I said something to harsh

Action: An HGO will reach out to you and do a primary intake for your needs. After discussing the obstacles you face, a restorative approach plan will be made, We will explore together the language used and the tones expressed. Depending on what was said, harm may have been done. A plan will be in place to reach out to all parties involved and mediation would be offered. There is no shame in making a mistake if one occurs. If mediation is turned down another approach would be enacted.

Follow-ups: Follow ups will be scheduled for the original obstacle brought forward, and ways to measure the change from previous conversations will be used. This could be a further mediation session or a follow-up on resources provided to ensure this does not affect people like it previously did, and if behavior needs to change, a progress update on feedback will occur.

Contacting and HGO does not mean harm was done and that is often assumed. HGOs serve a valuable role in helping comrades navigate dynamics. Every case a HGO handles is unique and must be cared for in that nature. There is no easy solution to an HGO case and you can rest assured that your approach will be tailored to your needs and the community at large. You have a voice in how your case is handled.