
Chapters run by utilizing members

All roles within the chapter are led by volunteer members. If you want to learn more about the roles you can volunteer for within the chapter this is the resource for you.

The Roles

Our chapter is made up of roles either that function for admin or operational aspects of the chapter. Our steering committee elections are held during the summer every year and HGOs are elected every eight months. You may also do another role by joining a committee or working group.

Co-Chair A

Steering Committee

Co-Chair B

Steering Committee


Steering Committee

Communications Coordinator

Steering Committee

Membership Coordinator

Steering Committee

YDSA Coordinator

Steering Committee


Comrade Support


Comrade Support


Comrade Support

Committee Coordinator


Working Group Coordinator

Working Groups

What do the roles do

Each role plays a pivotal part in the operation of the chapter



The co-chairs coordinate the steering committee while also ensuring facilitation happens for chapter meetings and the planning is done in a way that ensures the meetings function equitably.



The secretary treasurer handles our finances while also keeping us compliant with state laws. In this role you can also expect to record the history of chapter functions through detailed notes and ensuring archiving of chapter material.


Communications Coordinator

The communications coordinator handles our social media presence along with interacting with press and drafting our statements. The Communications coordinator also handles our weekly specter which is a once a week email newsletter.


Membership Coordinator

The membership coordinator onboards new members through one on one meetings and regular member orientions, and co-chairs the Membership Engagement Committee (MEC). The MEC supports the work of the membership coordinator, and plans outreach events such as socials and canvassing.


YDSA Coordinator

The YDSA Coordinator supports student and youth organizers in their YDSA chapters and organizing committees to develop strong socialist campaigns and organizing priorities.



Harassment & Grievance officers conduct misconduct investigations and offer support to comrades through facilitating culture and inclusion within the chapter along with helping members navigate conflict within our organizing spaces.



A coordinator facilitates the function of a committee or working group allowing the operations of the charter goals to further the mission. They also onboard members to committees or working groups.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about our chapter roles.

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