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Creating an event on action network

  1. Name of your event
  2. Start date of event (If you want to add a scheduled end time check the box above this with that option) 
  3. Name of location (Usually a building identifier for example if it is in the main hall type that) 
  4. The address of the event or meeting point
  5. The form for signups, you may edit this form how you see fit to collect data for the event. 
  6. Host contact information
  7. Banner Image (Be sure to export your file from canvas in .png format) 

8. Description of event (Include all important details of the event here but do not include zoom links here) 

9. Creator of the event (Committee or Coordinator) 

10. Maximum number of attendees if this event has a max occupancy. 

11. This is where you include sensitive information about the event like the zoom link.

12. Edit the ways people can share this event or how they send it to a friend. 

Once you are done click save & publish – this will make your event go live!

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