How do I create a form

Our website has a built-in form builder, which has many benefits. We control the data collected. We know our data is secure. We can choose what to do with our data. If you are in need of creating a form for the website you can do so in just minutes. As more features are added you can refer back to this article for updates on new additions.

Log in to the website at

Click Forms

Click the “Add New” button and begin creating a form. 

You can begin by using a blank form or select a template for easier use.

Here we will be creating a blank form

On the right hand side of the page you will see all of the options for the site. 

Choose the type of field you want and begin creating. If you need your form to send notifications refer to this article here. Once you are done click save form. You will need to embed the form in a post or page now. 

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